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The start of Blogmas 2017

As you've probably noticed. I've been a bit sporadic with my blogging recently.

It's been really hard trying to juggle home life, my store and my blog. I've always had so many ideas I want to cover but finding the time hasn't been easy.

I want to keep going though. I really love my blog and the neglect it's been enduring makes me feel sad. Like a tamagotchi that just beeps away in the bottom of a drawer.

Well no more and I've decided to use this year's Blogmas challenge as a way to throw myself in the deep end. Blogmas for those who don't know is a challenge to post and share every day from December 1st right up till the big day on the 25th. I'm hoping it will help me get my spark back and make me fall in love with blogging all over again.

So here's to the next 25 days ... here's hoping I have the stamina to keep up *gulp*