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Blogmas Day 11 - My Sunday Photo

So last night Agent M and i had a movie night and after we watched our films and ate our pizza, we retired to our respective beds and settled in for the night. Agent D was out on his works night out and said he could come over in the morning rather than afterwards so i knew i wouldn't be seeing him last night.

He was kind of true to his word but at 2.30am this morning the dog went crazy and started barking and bolted down stairs. I got the fright of my life and went down to find Agent D coming in as he "missed us". I wasn't happy about how i was woken up (he seemed to think he could let himself it and up to bed without waking me up - clearly doesn't know how mum sleep works lol) but i loved that he just wanted to be with us - and it was a nice surprise for Agent M when he got up in the morning ( he slept right through the dog losing his mind).

Today though i am absolutely knackered ... Which has resulted in me drinking copious amounts of coffee and trying to function while Agent M shows off his latest Lego creations. Even Shabba is having to nap.

I predict an early night tonight.