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A Vikings Guide to Deadly Dragons Exhibition

A Vikings Guide to Deadly Dragons Exhibition

M as always been into books. Even as a wee toddler he would always bring me books to read to him and night time especially was out book time, reading stories before bed. As he's grown u…
Needle Felting Monster

Needle Felting Monster

I love trying out new crafts and even better when I find them on offer. So imagine how excited I was when I found this kit in Hobby Craft last summer. Its been sitting in my stash for a whi…
Vanilla Sponge

Vanilla Sponge

For most of my recipes I use the same basic sponge recipe and the add as needed i.e cocoa powder or chocolate chips. This recipe is one my Granny gave me years ago and its never let me dow…
Quick Beef Chow Mein

Quick Beef Chow Mein

I love Chinese food. But living on a budget doesn't lend itself well to getting take out. That and its not the healthiest in the world. But making your own? Its good for the purse strin…