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Our Happy Halloween

Our Happy Halloween

In this town (we call home) we celebrate Halloween on the last Friday of October. I've heard lots of different reasons why but I don't know the real reason, but either way it means …
Spaghetti Spiders

Spaghetti Spiders

Since last Halloween, M has an obsession for this meal we call "Spaghetti spiders". Its a simple meal in that it has 3 ingredients but its not cheap to make so we keep it for a Ha…
Hot Dog Mummies

Hot Dog Mummies

I'm sure its obvious by now that I love October ... More specifically Halloween. I tend to drag it out like Christmas ... All month long. One way I like to get spooky is by making some…
Nutella Croissants

Nutella Croissants

The kids have only just went back after the Summer and they are now on holiday this weekend for the September break ... Why is beyond me! But they are and we have a tradition in this house …
Microwave Heat Pack

Microwave Heat Pack

I've been getting what the Doctor says are Tension Headaches a lot recently. They are horrible as paracetamol doesn't make a difference and they can last for hours. Heat helps ease …
Owl Drawer Fresheners

Owl Drawer Fresheners

We used to have a house elf ... In fact we had loads. But I've inadvertently set them all free. At least, that's the only reason M and i can think as to why we have a mini pop-up bi…
Mars Tray Slices

Mars Tray Slices

Its been a while since I had a really good cake with a cuppa tea. In fact the last time was when I was killing time before a doctors appointment and I went into a wee coffee shop. They had …
Easy Apple Crumble

Easy Apple Crumble

While I was getting my new heating put in, I decided to take M and Shabba up to my grandparents’ house. It was so busy and noisy that we couldn't get anything done and poor Shabba was l…
Easy Tomato Soup

Easy Tomato Soup

I love Tomato soup but for some reason the cans of soup have started to give me really bad heart burn so I decided to give making my own a try. There are many ways to make Tomato Soup but …
Please stop justifying it

Please stop justifying it

*Please note this post discusses Domestic Violence and my be a trigger to some* This post is gonna be a little bit ranty so I apologise in advance but i feel it needs to be said. Last night…
Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air

Its almost here. You can feel it in the air ... Its almost Spring! I'm loving it!  I've been opening the windows, letting the fresh air in and the stuffiness out. We've been goin…
Creme Egg Croissants

Creme Egg Croissants

Every time we go shopping, M begs me to get croissants again. We bought the Jus Rol tube before and since then he's been nipping my head. Last week I caved, But I decided since it was …