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Spring is in the air

Its almost here. You can feel it in the air ... Its almost Spring!

I'm loving it! 

I've been opening the windows, letting the fresh air in and the stuffiness
out. We've been going for walks with the dog now that its not as cold and we've been enjoying fun days at the park.

We are really lucky to live within a half hours walk from two beautiful parks. This one, The Dean Castle Country park has some amazing views of nature as well as a few animals.


This weekend we went with my Granny, Aunt and my Cousins ... 4 generations on one outing :) The park has a lot to see and in the boys case, climb all over.

There is also a big play park, a section for the smaller kids and a section for the bigger kids (although they can obviously go between the two - The Tarzan style zip line is in the bigger kids bit)


All in it was a brilliant day out and great to finally get some fresh air in about us. I love seeing M playing with his little cousins too. Its great that they can all grow up together :)


M was a little worried that he got his shoes and his school jacket dirty but like I told him, it can all be washed and at the end of the day its only dirt.

I'd rather make memories and have a massive washing pile than him have a boring childhood and a half load of laundry.