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Baking Conversion Infographs

I didn't realise just how many American cook books i had until i went to try out some new recipes and seen US measurements.

Sometimes its easy enough to work out, assuming a British teaspoon is the same size as an American one, but i get confused at "half a stick of butter" and "cup of flour".

How big a cup are you talking? Does American butter come in sticks?

Thanks to a quick trip to Pinterest, I've found some great infographs that i want to share to help ease the confusion.

I have this printed out and sticking on my fridge as its got everything ... Including Oven temperatures which always throw me.

If you have a Gas oven though then this infograph is probably better for you, plus it has an ounce to gram conversion which is handy depending on which your scales unit your scales use.

Please note that these infographs are not mine and are sourced from Pinterest with the assumption that they knew they would be shared.