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Blogmas Day 15 - A letter from Santa

On my Blogmas Day 3 post, i told you guys about the 'Call' i got from Santa's elves asking where Agent M's Santa list was.

I was so pleased that he believed i got that call cause he's been questioning everything Santa related recently so i figured while he was getting into it i would take it a bit further.

I'm not taking him to see Santa this year. Gut feeling tells me that if i did he might start to ask questions again or pick the whole thing apart. I cant risk that not only cause i want him to keep the magic but if he was to start asking in front if the other children I'd be mortified. If he's going to find out, HE WILL KEEP IT A SECRET! I'm not having him spoil Christmas like those kids in the playground are risking doing to him.

Anyway, I seen on the Bespoke Offers website that they had a letter from Santa offer for 50p (RRP £5.49) so i jumped at the chance. Even through I'm not taking him, that doesn't mean he cant hear from him :)

The letter came and although the return address on the back of the envelope making him a bit sceptical  ... *Parents - The address listed is where the postman returns the letters so Santa's Elves can pick it up in one go ... Since Elf dust is in such short supply* he seemed happy enough.

He couldn't work out how Santa knew who is friends were but that he listed the Minecraft toys Agent M had asked for made him sure that Santa got his list.

Another crisis averted for now but this boy is definitely going to keep me on my toes this year. There is even talks of setting traps for him *awe heck! lol*